Highest Performing Web Framework Benchmarks
Moden web development has a lot of tools, libraries, and frameworks to fall back on. Capable of speeding up development time up to ten-fold, the resources developers have available to them can enable large-scale production with short tunaround and exceptional performance. How do we know which tool to choose for best results? Taking a look at the latest web framework benchmark results can help us pick between highly-capable altenatives based on their speed and capabilities.
Choosing a web application framework involves evaluation of many factors. While comparatively easy to measure, performance is frequently given little consideration. We hope to help change that.
Application performance can be directly mapped to hosting dollars, and for companies both large and small, hosting costs can be a pain point. Weak performance can also cause premature and costly scale pain by requiring earlier optimization efforts and increased architectural complexity. Finally, slow applications yield poor user experience and may suffer penalties levied by search engines.
What if building an application on one framework meant that at the very best your hardware is suitable for one tenth as much load as it would be had you chosen a different framework? The differences aren't always that extreme, but in some cases, they might be. Especially with several moden high-performance frameworks offering respectable developer efficiency,
it's worth knowing what you're getting into.
Techempower company conducts performance tests of popular frameworks for development, below we offer to familiarize yourself with the results of their testing
Full report Web Framework Benchmarks "Round 21 2022-07-19" you can view by the link
View additional commentary about Round 21
You can also see a brief overview of the Round 20 test results from 2021-02-08